Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Am Ella. I Smell Like Stinky Coconuts. This Is My Story

Here I sit all cozied up in my pretty little doggy bedroom, on my pretty, soft dog bed,  feeling......well, pretty! It hasn't been this way for long. My name is Ella and just three days ago, I was out wandering all alone, abandoned by my humans. I was very hungry, very cold and as you can see, pretty sick with something they tell me is called demodex and it makes your skin turn into one big painful, oozing scab. Then on top of that, all your hair falls out and you feel terrible on the inside too cuz you're the puppy no one wants to hold and you're the puppy that doesn't make anybody say, "Awwwwwww....."

Well just when I started to become the saddest puppy ever, you won't believe what happened! I was saved by a queen! I know she's a queen cuz she's real pretty and after she saved me, she said, "I have to go see the Kings!" That's when she gave me to a nice lady with pink hair and pretty pictures drawn on her skin.

I have been living with Pink Lady for two days now and I like her because she tells me I'm beautiful about 100 times a day. She pretends not to notice that I smell just terrible from my skin infections. She just lights candles.  She isn't afraid to pick me up and cuddle me even though my sores ooze all over her. She just washes her clothes. She also feeds me lots of yummy meals and treats that The Queen sent home with us in our care package.

Yesterday Pink Lady said, "Ella. You've been through a lot. You know what will make you feel  better? An afternoon at the spa!" And with that, I got a nice warm coconut shampoo and soak. I was a little scared at first because everything is so new and I'm still not feeling too well but Pink Lady was real gentle with the coconut spa and pretty soon I started to really enjoy it. Here's the best part...after the soaking, I got to go outside and lay in the warm sun. Pink Lady said, "No more than 5 minutes, Ella, or you'll burn." I don't know what that means but for that 5 minutes of sunshine, I didn't feel hungry, I didn't feel cold, or sore or scared. I felt warm and comfortable and healed and happy.

Later that night Pink Lady gave my face a squeeze and said, "Oh Ella. You are so beautiful. And you smell like stinky coconuts."


  1. Hi Ella, You are beautiful! I would love to send you some long distance Reiki for some Healing.. Have you tried Juicing to heal your demodex? You can contact me if you would like information. Wani my email is : blessings.

  2. Tea tree oil also has excellent concentration-dependent Demodex-killing properties. Keep in mind that the readily available 100% tea tree oil solution is very irritating and, as such, should be diluted. One can prepare a mixture of 50% tea tree oil by diluting the tea tree oil in either macadamia or walnut oil.

    For mild cases, use a commercially available tea tree oil, 20% Desert Essence ( This irritates the mites and stimulates them to come out of the follicle. Repeat this procedure in 10 minutes.

    Next, apply an antibiotic/steroid ointment to help keep the mites from moving and possibly suffocate them. The steroid also helps calm down the inflammation secondary to the chemical and mechanical irritation of the in-office treatment, in addition to suppressing the possible inflammatory cascade associated with the decaying mites.

  3. Ella you are a beautiful smart and brave girl! Stinky coconuts and all! Muah!!
