Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not So Fun And Games

Hi! Ella here. Sorry it's been so long since I have posted on my blog. I have just been so busy. A large part of my day is spent chewing things up. I like to chew boxes, magazines,  junk mail, paper towels, my sweaters, bark off of the firewood, rugs, pillows, cereal boxes, the cute pink head phones Pink Lady saves from Virgin America airplanes, my leash,  my collar, Jasper's head, Mr. David's head, my medicine bottles, tree branches, fake flowers, real flowers,  copy paper, plastic wrappers from the garbage, grass, weeds, leaves, dirt, hoses... oh and today I dug up a deer skull and chewed on that until Pink Lady screamed and came to take it away from me. At first I thought we were playing a game called keep-away like Jasper and I play with our toys, so I ran and ran with that deer skull in my mouth and Pink Lady ran after me yelling, "Ella! Drop it! Ella! Come here! Give me that! That is disgusting!" Ella!!!!" Finally I got tired so I stopped and gave Pink Lady a chance to steal it from me and put it in her mouth and run off. As soon as I caught my breath I could chase after her and more fun would be had! Ooooooh Booooooy! But do you know what? That dumb lady with the pink hair and the pictures drawn all over her arms did not put that deer skull in her mouth and run away. She took that skull in her hands and WALKED over to the garbage can and just threw it right inside. And then that game of deer skull keep-away was over just about before it began! OH BROTHER is all I can say about that! Anyway...

Here are a couple of "Artsy-Fartsy" photos of Yours Truly. I hope you enjoy them. I have some fun play videos of me and my foster brother Rocket too but I have to ask Pink Lady how to put them on here before I can show them to you. Stay tuned and thank you for reading my blog.


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